CLIENT: International Investors
ART COLLABORATION: dance company Prumsodun Ok & NATYARASA
PHOTOS: Bruce Vincentiis (luxury Boutique hotel photographer)
T3 designed the new JAVA Creative CAFE in Phnom Penh which proposed “homemade” snacks and “Fair trade” Coffee and hosts the famous dance company Prumsodun Ok & NATYARASA ! The main Concept was to transform a simple warehouse into green industrial building welcoming a fancy Coffee-Restaurant and all “performing Arts”: dance, theater, music… The project being located in Cambodia, T3 proposed to follow bioclimatic design principles to make the building comfortable under a tropical climate, limiting the use of Air Conditioning as to save energy (promoting ceiling fans and natural ventilation).
T3 balanced the Industrial character of the Building by bringing some natural materials like wood (second-hand hardwood to avoid to participate to the deforestation in South East Asia). All furniture (made by hardwood) have been designed by T3 while we have collaborated with our freinds from KOBI Studio for the lighting design as to get a warm and cozy atmosphere and hilight properly the Artists into the performance hall.
Promote natural ventilation and limit AC…
T3 designed an additional layer (cement boards fixed on a secondary metal structure) above the existing metal panels roof as to create a “double ventilated roof” which limit overheating by sun as well as noise due to strong tropical rain!
T3 also created an opened courtyard on the building’s backside to reinforce the natural ventilation by air depression…